Steeple Kids Childcare
Steeple Kids Childcare
Tuesday, October 22, 2024
Serving Families since 1997

Illness Handbook


Both parents and childcare providers want to keep children healthy. In spite of everyone’s efforts, children do get sick. Young children, in particular, get sick more often because:
1.        Their immune systems do not fight illness as well as an adult’s and
2.       They have not been exposed before to many of the germs (viruses, bacteria, fungi, or parasites) that cause infection.
Contagious diseases spread from one person to another. Often people who spread disease do not look or feel sick.
Parents should have their children immunized against nine major diseases accourding to the latest recommendation of the American Academy of Pediatrics and the United States Health Service (exempted for religious or medical reasons).
SteepleKids prefers that medications be administered at home. However, when this is not possible Steeple Kids Staff will administer medications with the following guidelines:  All medications including prescription and over the counter medications shcu as acetaminophen, ibuprofen or holistic/herbal remedies shall have written or verbal instructions from a physician or other person legally authorized to prescribe medication. A standing medication order (e.g. acetaminophen for fever) can be accepted with provision that it be renewed annually. A standing medication order will
Consist of the following:
1.       Child’s Name
2.       Date
3.       Condition – example: teething, fever of ____ degrees, cough
4.       Dosage
Administering Medication
1.       For prescription medication, parents/guardians will provide caregivers with medication in orginal, child-resistant containers that are labeled by a pharmacist with the child’s name, the name of the medication, the date the prescription is filled, the name of the healthcare provider who wrote the prescription and the medication’s expiration date, including administration, storage and disposal instructions.
For over – the – counter medication (such as acetaminophen, ibuprofen or holistic/herbal remedies) parents or legal guardians will provide the medication in a child – resistant container. The medication will be labeled with the child’s name, specific instructions for administration and storage supplied by the manufacturer, and the name of the health care provider who recommended the medication for the child.
2.       Instructions for the dose, frequency, method to be used and duration of administration will be provided to the child care center staff in writing (by a signed note or a prescription label) or dictated over the telephone by a physician or other person legally authorized to prescribe medication. This requirement applies to both prescription and over- the- counter medications.
3.       A physician may state that a certain medication may be given for a reoccurring problem, emergency situation or chronic condition. The instructions should include the child name, the name  of the medication, the dose of the medication, how the medication may be given, the conditions for use, the precautions to follow.
4.       Medication will not be used beyond the date of expiration on the container or beyond any expiration on the instructions provided by the physician or other person permitted to prescribe medication.
Instructions which state that the medication may be used whenever needed (e.g. ACETAMINOPHEN FOR FEVER) WILL BE RENEWED BY THE PHYSICIAN AT LEAST ANNUALLY
5.       A medication log will be maintained by the facility staff to record the instructions for giving the medication, consent obtained from the parent or legal guardian, amount, the time of administration and the person who administered each dose of medication. Spills, reactions and refusal to take medication will be noted on this log.
Recognizing the Ill Child
Fever is a well-known symptom that parents or childcare workers use to identify a child that may be ill. Fever, (a rise in body temperature above normal) is common is young children and is rarely harmful. However, fever may be a system of a contagious or serious illness. Some children with fever should not go to childcare until the child’s includion in child care is checked with a health professional. Such children include those who fit the following description: A child with:
·         An oral tempature of 101 F or greater or
·         A rectal temperature of 102 F or greater, or
·         An axillary (armpit) tempature of 100 F or
·         A tempature measured with an aural thermometer (ear) that corresponds to the 102 F in the rectum or 101 degrees F in the mouth.
Have a doctor check babies immediately with a fever of 101 F rectally or 100F axillary who are less than 4 months of age or any age with a fever higher than 105 F. Parents will be notified promptly when their child is found to have a fever while in Child care. The child’s respons to fever-reducing medications (e.g. acetaminophennn, ibuprofen) is not helpful in deciding how sick the child is. Regardless of how high the fever is, it is how sick a child looks or act that is important. STEEPLE KIDS RESERVES THE RIGHT TO CALL PARNETS TO PICK UP THEIR CHILD WHEN ANY OF THE FOLLOWING SYSTOMS OR SIGNES OF POSSIBE SERIOUS ILLNES ARE PRESENT:
·          Unusual drowsiness
·         Extreme fussiness
·         Persistent or excessive crying
·         Wheezing
·         Uncontrolled coughing
·         Difficult breathing
·         Unable to play at all
·         Complaining of severe pain 
The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requires that programs make reasonable accommodations for children with disabilities or chronic illness.
Children with common colds do not need to stay home from child care. Usually the child has already exposed others before seeming sick. Many illnesses stop being contagious shortly after treatment is started. If a child seems well and meets the re-admission critia in the tables of this booklet, the child can be in child care. However, in an effort to maintain a healthy environment and prevent the spread of disease, Steeple Kids staff will decide when an ill child meets the exclusion criteria and cannot be in child care.
The following are criteria adopted by Steeple Kids to exclude children with short-term illness from the group care setting:
1.        The child does not feel well enough to participate comfortably in the usual activities of the program.
2.       The staff cannot care for the sick child without interfering with the care of other children.
3.       The child has any of the following that indicate a contagious disease or an immediate need for medical evaluation:
·         Fever – 101 degrees F or who are acting sick cannot be in school.
Children may return to school when they are fever free, without the use of fever reducing medication for 24 hours
·         Diarrhea – 3 or more watery, loose stools, not contained in diaper or toilet. Children may return to school when stool frequency and consistency returns. If toilet trained, the child must be accident free for one day before returning.
·         Vomiting – More than twice in 24 hours. Child may return to school when vomiting subsides.
·         Signs or symptoms of a possible serious condition as defined under “Conditions that require immediate medical evaluation” in the booklet until the child is checked by a health professional who determines that the child may be in child care;
·         Symptoms or conditions listed in the tables of this booklet that require exclusion as potentially contagious illness, until the child meets the criteria for re-admission.